Monday, 26 November 2007


Afgelopen weekend voelde ik me zó, griep denk ik.

Last weekend I felt like this, flu, I think.


dot said...

Well that thing almost scared me to death!!
Sorry you are not feeling well. Take two tylenol, drink lots of fluids, rest in bed, and call me in the morning! (that is American humor of what a doctor says to someone who has a cold or flu and it's probably good advice)

Andrea said...

The reason the doctors give the advice Dot mentioned above is because it actually takes three Tylenol to get you to feeling better so they know if you just take two you will need more help and have pay another doctor bill.

Okay, we see what you looked like last week now let's see what you look like this week.

Hope you are feeling all better now.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Dick ,
A great shot anyway combined with those words.....
Poor Dick, my very best wishes for a good/better health!

In ieder geval een leuke cobinatie van beeld en woorden,
Arme Dick, mijn aleralerbeste wensen voor een betere gezondheid!


Happyone said...

Sorry you haven't been feeling so good. What a perfect picture to let us know how you felt!!
Hope you feel better soon. :-)

Amrita said...

Hope you are feeling better not as the photo.I take high doses of Vitamin C, helps me a lot.

Texel in vogelvlucht. Gerard said...

Ik hoop maar dat het niet blijvend is.
Beterschap, Gerard

Oswegan said...

I hope you're feeling better now.


imac said...

I know you feeling CROCK.
Hope you soon back on your feet and better.

New post now showing

imac said...

I know you feeling CROCK.
Hope you soon back on your feet and better.

New post now showing

Brel Care said...

Beterschap, hoop dat je weer snel op pad kan, beter nu ziek dan met de feestdagen, Toch ???

Anonymous said...

a beautifully captured & composed shot with lovely lighting & the colours...lovely!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

do get well soon

cheers from across the North Sea

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great view of someone being sick YUCK not a good thing,
Sure hope your feeling better.

dot said...

Hope you are feeling better if not you'd better get to a doctor and get an antibiotic. Advice from the nurse. lol

Tom said...

YOU are lucky.. I look like that all year round.. ha!
Hope you are over the worst of it now. I like the onion bowl.. I've seen a collection of these somewhere.

R&R said...

Dick, hope you feel better soon, we miss the photos and stories from Texel!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Oh dear, I hope you are MUCH better now!

Cool capture! Perfect lighting!

SandyCarlson said...

I hope you're all better, and I suppose the sunflower above indicates that!

Wonderful photo of an interesting planter.