Toen we vandaag lekker in de tuin zaten kwam er een Libel op Toos d'r hand zitten en ik dacht die is zo weer weg. Dat gebeurde ook maar hij kwam weer terug en ik dacht weer als ik m'n camera pak is ie toch weer weg en hij ging en kwam weer terug tot drie keer toe dus toch de camera er bij en op goed geluk een foto gemaakt, zonder close-up convertor. Je hebt ook van die mooie blauwe Libellen maar van dichtbij is deze toch ook wel mooi. Ik weet niet hoeveel soorten er zijn maar vast wel meer dan twee.
Really good shot and it's probably harmless but I wouldn't want it sitting on MY hand!
Ik kan alleen maar zeggen, "Fantastisch".
I don't know how you got this to stay to still but I am with Dot...not on my arm!
This is a very nice photograph and the detail is fantastic. I have not been able to get one this close yet. I have photographed damsel fly and dragon fly but neither this close. Wow. Nice work.
I forgot to tell you that I have started a blog about birds.
A great shot, and how amazing that it kept coming back!
Hi Dick,
1e gevoel "getver!"
Fotografisch, echt geweldig!
:) JoAnn
(vandaag weer een ander soort koe gepost)
X-LEnT ;o]
Thanks for visiting my blog today and commenting about my dad's clock.
I appreciate it a lot.
If you have 30 clocks then you have even more than my father-in-law used to have. He collected them. Mostly grandfather type clocks.
"Dick said...
I can't enlarge your photo's anymore. Why?"
Dick, I do not know what this means.
I figured out what you mean. When I click on your photo it enlarges. When I click on mine I go to photo bucket. That's where I uploaded the large photos. I must be doing something wrong but I don't know what. Who do you use to host your images?
Incredible! Really really close shot. I haven't seen this type of dragon fly. Ours are covered with more red, I think.
Great shot - love the clarity of the lacey wings.
Niet sleeecht!
WAUW, dit is echt een prachtige foto!
very very nice shot!
Very good detail. I wish my camera was that good ;)
WOW! Incredible detail on this, Dick! SUPER! I love it!
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