Had je dit verwacht? Lees en zie alles hierover op de homepage van mijn broer want hij is de man achter dit alles. De vlieger is te groot om alleen op te laten daarom help ik af en toe. De link vind je ook in de link-box.
Is this what you expected? Read and see everything about it on my brothers homepage (Dutch), he is the man behind all this. The kite is to strong for one man to launch for this reason I help from time to time. You find the link also in the link-box.
Oh my. That is a strong kite. I have seen kites in the Army, a long time ago, that could life people easily. I never got lifted but some did.
I like the colors in your blog post today.
Wow!!! My son will love this, he does have a small kite but we hardly ever use it as it never seems to be the right wind for it or I think that's my husband's excuse as he has to do all the running and fetching of the kite!!!
My dad says he had one when he was young and he used to run along the edges of the rooftops to watch it fly really high, you don't think how dangerous that is when you're young , do you?
I had to come back to thank you again for your visits to my blog and for your comments there. I do not always get around to comment or to say thanks but I try to.
So, thank you for the visits to my blog. I appreciate seeing your name there.
Brookville Daily Photo
My Photography
Kites are always a harbinger of spring! Nice to have a helpful brother, too. I saw enormous kites of great variety in Thailand. What a thrill!
Wonderfully captured shot!
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