Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The same but different

Which one do you like best?


HappyK said...

I like the first one best. :-)

Amrita said...

Nice creations

Jeannette StG said...

I keep being undecided about it -can I like both?
Usually would not like the second, but the longer I look at it, the more it "grows" on me:)

Donna said...

I like them Both but if you're making us choose....uhmmmmm....The First one...
Hope you're staying warm over there Dick!!

dot said...

I like the first one best but surely that wasn't taken on Texel was it?

myonlyphoto said...

Dick depends which scenario we like better, lol, I like both, because I can see what in front and what's on the back. Anna :)

Emery Roth said...

I think the choice depends on which you think should be the subject of your photo. Put a blossom on the bush or a sunrise behind the hill and you'll know.