Sunday, 24 January 2010

Snow again

I was very happy to see the snow was almost gone but last night we got a fresh load again. Our outdoor lamp is almost covered with snow. I suppose you all are getting pretty bored of all those winter photos, well.......... me too, lol.

But life goes on.


Dina said...

LOL! A happy and useful and very funny bird!

Nihal said...

I was wondering who sent us the snow;) In the end, winter silence upon us, first snow falling and already painted Istanbul white...

Leni Qinan said...

We had it a couple of weeks ago and blew it up again, LOL.

Now it's sunny and temperatures rose to 10ºC. But it was nice to see the trees and houses covered by sugar, even if it was just for a couple of days.

I'm sending some sun up there. You'll get it soon.

I hope the stork delivered the baby soon! LOL

Donna said...

Is That Stork Staying At YOUR House Sweetie Pie???

Love the snow photos! And I love the "added" sprinkles that are floating over the blog!!
Stay warm!!

Anonymous said...

amazing. the first one is fantastic. well done

alie said...

Dag Dick.

Opnieuw sneeuw voor jullie! Meestal zijn wij in het noorden de klos, maar geen sneeuw voor ons gelukkig. Beetje onduidelijke "lampfoto"... Schijnt het licht naar boven?
Fijn ook, een nieuw mensje geboren!
Leuk de sneeuwpikkels over het beeld.. Wat is lol??
Gr. Alie

Dick said...

Dina - yes a useful bird as long as it passes our door.

Nihal - It was not me who did it.

Leni - Some winters we don't get any snow at all but this year it's too much. I'm looking forward to get your sunshine, but isn't it already here?

Donna - I was waiting for someone to ask that question, hahaha.
Thanks heaven it's not our house, it's the neighbours house, close enough.

Vaggelis - Thanks, it was only a try-out and it didn't look too bad.

Alie - Het is een buitenlamp die overgroeid is door een struik en de lamp schijnt opzij. Vreemde foto dat wel maar je moet ook wel eens wat proberen.
lol betekent:

SandyCarlson said...

How I wish we had some of your snow. We've had a dry winter here.

I really like that first photo.

HappyK said...

No, not getting tired of seeing snow pictures. They are always so pretty.
I am ready for spring though. Just getting rain here today.

Dick said...

Sandy - I really would like to send you some.

Happyone - I agree it's beautiful but I'm ready for spring also. I don't like rain but it may be good to wash the snow away.

myonlyphoto said...

No Dick I am not bored at all. Thanks for sharing. Nice stork. Anna :)

alie said...


Bedankt voor de uitleg via Wikipedia. Ik gebruik het wel eens voor een brief, alleen bedoel ik dan "lots of love". Misschien zijn er wel meer betekenissen.??
En dat baby'tje past niet meer bij jou toch?? Gezien je leeftijd ha ha. Alie

Anonymous said...

I like your snow pictures. And yes, we get it too and are getting some now.

I notice your Canon is like mine. I have not been able to find a lens hood for it like the one you have in your sidebar. Can you tell me where I might find one like it?

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Fun photo ... enjoy your snow!
Hugs and blessings,

Emery Roth said...

If you've had enough, please send me your snow. The first shot is wonderful and intriguing. I spent a long time trying to figure out what it was before reading your note.

Then I saw the bird and laughed out loud. Terrific!

Anonymous said...
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Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Winter lasts at least 6 months.

I like winter shots. NICE!

Kerri Farley said...

Cute! I LOVE that 1st shot!!

dot said...

Very seldom do we see snow where I live so I enjoy seeing snow pictures. I didn't know the stork brought snow!!