Monday, 7 January 2008

Morning has broken


Anonymous said...

Wow. THis is about as good as it gets, Dick. I love it a lot. I have never been in the right spot at the right time to get anything close to this kind of image. This will be your best image of 2008. I don't know what you could possibly do to many it any better than this is.

Amrita said...

Good evening Dick.
Magical photo

Rune Eide said...

You have got it right on the dot.


Texel in vogelvlucht. Gerard said...

Waarlijk een fantastische foto. Let wel. als je met mooie foto's begint, wordt het wel moeilijk om het hele jaar beter te worden. Ga zo door Zeun.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! This is GLORIOUS and Striking and very very pretty--lovely shot!

Monique said...

This is an absolutely stunning image. Still, ghostly and wintery. Wonderful.

I have posted the first seven scenes of Grindhirst as that was the most voted for.

Happyone said...

What a beautiful photo.
You always come up with the best titles for your photos!!

dot said...

What a great shot! Did you sit and wait for the morning or did you just happen to be there at the right time?
Yes the bird is real!

imac said...

What a winner that is, magnifico, well done you. lov it.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Dick,
Good broken morning photo,sun is through the trees , made me think of a photo I mad at Xmas holidays (on my blog)

Have a good week!

Oswegan said...

Beautiful light! It's like God peeking in on you.


ArneA said...

No moe words needed

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! Very atmospheric. Well well done

R&R said...

Nicely framed, captures the season perfectly.

virtual nexus said...

Dick, this is superb. Right place at the right time with the right eye for it.

Andrea said...

Oh, that is just gorgeous. GREAT shot at the perfect moment.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dick,
I knew this forest was a familiar place! Bussum! thats where I walk, 2 times a week with my dog. "JoAnn's digital eyes" NL

Tom said...

Stunning well captured Dick. I think Abe covered all the bases with his fine comment.

Donna said...

Wonderful dream....

Sharon said...

This is such a lovely, amazing picture!It is a perfect capture.

Anonymous said...

Wow. On reflection, this is still as good as it gets.

Gledwood said...

Hoe gaat het met je?
Ik ben niet nederlander maar ik ben englander. Ik komme uit London. Ik spreke een beetje nederlands ... so I'd better say the rest in English - yeah man excellent photos!

GAWO said...

This is very very pretty. How many shots did you have to do before you got this pretty one?

Tom said...

Me again Dick... thought I'd ask first.. would you mind if I save this to my P.C. for my Desktop Background?

Astrid Witte said...

niet sleeeeeeeecht! Ik zou alleen aan de linkerkant een klein stukje afknippen, is een beetje een groot zwart stuk. (dat krijg je als je bij de fotokring zit).

Dick said...

Thank you, I think it was "right spot, right time".

Anonymous said...

I know how hard it is to get good sun ray shots like this. In all my time shooting I've only gotten one I really like. This is a beauty.

david mcmahon said...

Beautiful shot, mate. I was in India recently and shot some early morning scenes in similar light. Will post 'em soon.

bcmomtoo said...

Gorgeous! I love this photo.

Angie said...

Absolutely magnificent!

SandyCarlson said...


NYCindividual said...

What a perfect photo! So difficult to capture to be there at just the right time!

Kerri Farley said...

Wow....this is so lovely! Perfect capture! You did a wonderful job!!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a great shot of the fog and the trees looks mystical

Kahshe Cottager said...

What a stunning shot! Something magical is waiting to happen here I think.

Suzi-k said...

oh WOW!!!!!! This is just PERFECT!!! What amazing light, it must have been awe inspiring standing there in real life! And you captured it so well.

Andree said...

gee, I simply can't stop looking at this.