This AWARD /nomination is designed (
C-jw) to nominate photography blogs for
'their excellent photograpy' therefore they are a big INSPIRATION!!!
Deze Onderscheiding Award is ontworpen (
C-jw)om blogs te nominere voor hun:Hun "excellente fotografie" EN daardoor zijn ze zeer inspirerend!!!
All under named blogs are an example of creativity in photography,
and absolutely worth a visit!!!!
I want to pass this award to;
Photographers from/living in The netherlands:
Dutch blog:*Texel's eye from
Dick an beautiful island in Holland, -Texel , Dick maakt voornamlijk foto's van het eiland Texel, erg mooi. (also english )
Brian-B66 From Zeeland with his very nice photograpy , - Dutch:Mooie foto's gemaakt door Brian van voornamelijk Zeeland.
Gerard From Texel (island) With his Kite-photograpy agreat idea!- Dutch :Foto's van Texel maar dan een camera hangende onder een vlieger!
Ginnie's photoblog, Great photo's from Amsterdam
English blog ( she's from Atlanta),
Wassenaar's R&R Great stories/photo's of The Hague/Wassenaar,
English blog (he's from the USA)
From Other countries:*
Abraham L Detailled photograpy & also a birdsblog ,
Anna P I love her photography, very impressive,
*Photo's of
Ruth M Flying ... very expressive just have a look,
EmeryRoth , also worth looking at, great photography,
Kerri with her great Garden blog beautifull photo's!
Mary Just found her creative photography
Moi's slant + her other webpage, impressive to see,
Wendy's with beautifull photograps are telling their own stories,